
Tapestry Peacock

“Sometimes, we’d love to see the front of the tapestry of our life when the back looks so tangled – but we can trust that He is making a beautiful design with every string in every color.” – Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.

This quote has made me think about my own life – currently so tangled but having to trust that the end result will be beautiful with a kaleidoscope of colour.

How will the different threads intertwine?

What will the final design look like?

How many different colours will there be?

From where I stand right now I cannot see the picture clearly. In fact, I don’t see the picture at all except for a haze of just trying to deal with what is being thrown my way daily.


For a planner and organiser it is very difficult to have a plan for the day, knowing that all sorts of twists and turns could creep in and throw the day completely off its axis. I had a day like that this week – where just one incident turned my whole day in a totally different direction.

Life never stays the same, its ever changing, a tapestry of so many experiences (of rich and royal hue). A tapestry of what we’d like to hold on to, but we can’t. We have to move on and adapt to our circumstances. Life goes on, with or without us. Whether we stay where we are or whether we move forward onto new experiences depends entirely on us. Loss and growth is a part of life.

A seed develops into a flower. The flower lives for a given period of time and then dies to make room for other (new) flowers.

A time to live . . . and a time to die . . .


This made me think of a song I heard many years ago which I still love to this day called “Tapestry” written and sung by Carole King. The words of the first verse being applicable to me right now . . .

My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue
An everlasting vision of the ever-changing view
A wondrous, woven magic in bits of blue and gold
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold

What does tomorrow hold for me, I wonder?

“Tapestry” as written and sung by Carole King
Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing

My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue
An everlasting vision of the ever-changing view
A wondrous, woven magic in bits of blue and gold
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold

Once amid the soft silver sadness in the sky
There came a man of fortune, a drifter passing by
He wore a torn and tattered cloth around his leathered hide
And a coat of many colors, yellow-green on either side

He moved with some uncertainty, as if he didn’t know
Just what he was there for, or where he ought to go
Once he reached for something golden hanging from a tree
And his hand came down empty

Soon within my tapestry along the rutted road
He sat down on a river rock and turned into a toad
It seemed that he had fallen into someone’s wicked spell
And I wept to see him suffer, though I didn’t know him well

As I watched in sorrow, there suddenly appeared
A figure gray and ghostly beneath a flowing beard
In times of deepest darkness, I’ve seen him dressed in black
Now my tapestry’s unraveling – he’s come to take me back
He’s come to take me back

2 thoughts on “Tapestry

  1. Pingback: In Memory of Mom: Compassion and Support | africandream01

  2. Pingback: In Memory of Mom: Life is a Journey | africandream01

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