Did you know you can start a brand new chapter of your life at any age?



What do you do when life knocks you down? Did you know you can bounce back using these nine steps to reinvent yourself to create a life worth living.


Have you ever felt like you need to start again? Whether it was your choice or various factors forcing you to create massive changes in your life, through various life lessons we are given messages and if those messages are not heard, you get hit or knocked  to the ground to learn the lesson. The lessons range from serious issues with our health, bad relationships with family and/or friends, a failing business, challenges building wealth, or not living authentically. This can happen in one area or every area of your life.


So what do you do when starting again? You need to change your behaviour to get back in the game super-fast:


Re-evaluate you life:

This is enlightening yet simple.


Draw a circle and divide it into areas of your life:

  1. Health
  2. Wealth
  3. Relationships
  4. Education
  5. Spirituality
  6. Career

Give each area a score out of ten. 10 means excellent and 1 means needs improvement.

Add up the scores to get a total out of 60.


From there you can assess what area/s are the priority for you to work on. If every area of your life had a low score, obviously you have work to do so prioritize your life areas.





Get back in the game:

Create a brand new strategy to propel you forward. Know exactly what terms you will and won’t accept in life anymore. Ask yourself:

  • What new standards do I choose to live by?
  • List the behaviours you will stop tolerating


Start afresh:

There is nothing more powerful than who you are associated with. They determine the speed along with your level of growth for you to become the best version of yourself. It ranges from zero to full speed ahead.


Write down the most prominent people in your life to decide if they:


  • Challenge you on your beliefs and views?
  • Are by your side when you need them?
  • Happy for you when you achieve amazing things in life?





Style it up:

Reinventing yourself can be crazy fun when you are experiencing a period of massive change.


How do you style it up? Get a new hairstyle or hair colour, lose or gain weight, improve your diet, buy new sunglasses or accessories, update your wardrobe, create a brand new style, or ditch the glasses and have eye laser surgery or wear contact lenses. Styling it up gives you an extra boost of confidence and energy.


Leave Fear Town behind forever:

Release the ghosts that are haunting you and keeping you awake at night by mastering your mind set. Avoid getting buried in the avalanche of other people’s fears. What other people say to you is a reflection of their own fears and beliefs.


Leave your apartment in Fear Town to live in a mansion in Love City. We have two choices in every moment:


  1. To act from a place of fear or love (actions from fear: lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, blackmail, power, aggression, violence, revenge or mind games). Actions from love: compassion, understanding, problem-solving, producing, listening, kindness, creating and inspiring.
  2. Put the lights back on – rediscover what you love and what feeds your soul.
  • What activities do you get completely lost in?
  • When do you forget about the time and light up inside?
  • When was the last time you felt exceptionally amazing?


Dig deep:

This is the scariest step for most people. It involves hard work, searching deep within your soul to determine who you are, what you want and decide what living means to you.


Your most valuable relationship is the one with yourself. People go to great lengths to avoid it, by numbing emotions with drugs, sex, alcohol, eating and shopping, toxic relationships, a hyper-active social life and moving from relationship to relationship with no down-time in-between. We will do anything to avoid hearing the voices in our heads or listening to the messages from our bodies, despite all the aches and pains not to mention unprocessed emotions.


All these behaviours serve to do is delay the inevitable and ensure you fire up like a firecracker at some point or explode like an erupting volcano that hasn’t let loose for hundreds of years. By doing the work along the way, it is a much smoother road ahead.





Jump off the cliff:

Take a risk and do something you never in a million years thought you would do. Play underwater golf, go shark surfing, waterfall kayaking, heli-skiing or simply float in the dead sea.


Empty out the trash:

Stop living on auto-pilot and doing what you normally do. It’s clearly not working!


Now, is the time to get off the merry-go-round and empty out the trash. Decide what is serving you and what is not?


Think of new and innovative ways to change your life to create new patterns, habits and strategies and most importantly, fabulous new results.


When the jigsaw puzzle of life has turned upside down and falls into one big mess of tiny pieces on the floor pieces that were once your life as you knew it.

Create a new masterpiece of your life and yourself  – a much more glorious, dazzling and intoxicating version.



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