Warning: Emotional Volcano about to erupt!

Love_Text with butterflies

To all my loyal readers I do apologise for the break in writing. To get me started again, I thought I would start with @WriteOnSA #WriteOnWednesday topic for today which is: “If you had to wear a warning label, what would yours say?”

My label today would say – Warning: Emotional Volcano about to erupt!

Those who regularly read my blog may have picked up that I recently lost my mother (mom died on 27 October 2014) after her fourteen month battle with Cancer.

Mom’s diagnosis came at a time when I was still in recovery from my own surgery (had just been back at work a few weeks when mom had her surgery) and being the primary caregiver, there was no time to deal with all the emotions that comes with hearing that your mom has Cancer. Immediately after recovering from her surgery, mom went on to having Chemotherapy in an effort to prolong her life as the type of Cancer she had was a very aggressive (rapid spreading) one. Again, my emotions had to be swept under the carpet.

When the emotions tried to overwhelm me and tears wanted to spurt out at the most inopportune times, I did the best I could to suppress my emotions (and tears). Throughout mom’s treatment, I’ve had to suppress my emotions. I’ve done this for the last fourteen months and even after mom’s death and funeral service, I’ve been shedding tears in “fits and starts” i.e. the tears stop as suddenly as they start. I’m still waiting for the one big cry to happen that’s been threatening for the last fourteen months.

So when is this volcano going to erupt?

Do you think my label for today is therefore a fitting one given how I’m feeling? I certainly think so because that is exactly how I feel right now – like an emotional volcano about to erupt.

When will it happen, I wonder?